Thursday, 29 November 2018

Why Zill Hajj is the Best Month for Muslim Ummah?

The blessed month of Zill Hajj is an honor for Muslim Ummah, yet its initial 10 days are especially uncommon, a period loaded up with remunerations, rewards, and sanctifications. Nowadays are viewed as revered for both those people going to Hajj and Umrah the individuals who are definitely not. The Last Messenger of Allah Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said that,

“There are no days in which virtuous actions are more adored to Allah the Almighty than these ten days.” The people questioned, “Not even Jihad for Allah’s sake?” He replied, “Not even Jihad for Allah’s sake, apart from in the case of a man who went out to fight giving himself and his prosperity up for the reason, and came back with nothing.” (Sahih Bukhari)

Special Things in the First Ten Days of Zill Hajj

Here are three major things that Muslims are emphatically urged to do among the initial 10 days of 

Dhul Hijjah, and the reward for it,

  • Increase your Dhikr e Allah

Recognition of Allah amid the first ten days of Zill Hajj. Requesting absolution, expanding petitions, Dua (supplication), and profound reflection is firmly energized amid this time.

  • Give Additional Sadaqa

Amid this time, each great deed is compensated multiple times. Your single deed is considered as double in terms of reward.

  • Keep Fasting

Muslims are encouraged to fast any time or the special on the initial 10 days Dhul al-Hijjah. Every day in these 10 days, Allah remunerates the Muslim who fasts as though they had fasted an entire year. Be that as it may, the individuals who fast on the 9th day (the Day of Arafat) will have their reward multiplied: fasting that day will bring a reward as though the Muslim fasted two years.

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Cheap Hajj Packages 2019 from UK by Islamic Travel

There are numerous ways to perform Hajj through Hajj Packages 2019 and Islamic Travel Uk is giving you this opportunity to complete your obligation with your family. We don't know which of us will be alive to see this month one year from now. Thusly, we should intensely and anxiously dedicate ourselves to a recognition of Allah now.

Monday, 12 November 2018

Prohibitions of Ihram During Hajj and Umrah

In the history of Islam, the first Umrah is performed by Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) on the morning of the 4th day of Zi Qadh 7 AH and it was three days long. After this time, the Sahaba 's performed the Umrah after the Madinah migration. Therefore, the person who accomplished the Umrah in the holy month of Zi Qadh rewarded as a major pilgrimage. Similarly, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed the Hajj once in his life and said that who are financially and physically strong, must perform Hajj. Therefore, the Muslims fully prepare before going to Umrah. They get the information about how to wearing an ihram, Cheap Umrah Packages 2019, Prohibitions of Ihram and much more. 

You don't have an exact date in the religion of Islam by which you have to perform Umrah in the holy land of Makkah and Madinah, Saudi Arabia. The Muslims can perform Umrah at any time throughout the year with step by step info like Prohibitions of Ihram etc. There are 4 vital pillars of Umrah which are given below, 

  • Wearing the Ihram Dress 
  • Tawaf e Holy Kaaba 
  • Say'ee 
  • Shaving off hair 

Hajj and Umrah are performed in the House of Allah, the Holy Kaaba, but there are some restrictions on ihram or Prohibitions of Ihram. One thing notes that when you visit Madinah or Prophet's Masjid there is no need to wear ihram and Talbiyah. Now let us see the Prohibitions of Ihram in the time of Hajj and Umrah,

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Ramadan Umrah Package Deals With Islamic Travel

Prohibitions of Ihram 

There are some Prohibitions of Ihram when the pilgrims perform the Umrah and Hajj in the House of Allah with Cheap Ramadan Umrah Package UK 2019. The Prohibitions of Ihram are given below, 

  • During Umrah Cutting Nails are not allowed 
  • Removing spare hair from any part of the body and Haircutting of the head 
  • Use of any perfumes on the body or on the ihram dress 
  • Just wearing the Ihram no Stitched Clothing is not allowed 
  • Flip-flops and sandals and must not be stitched 
  • Covering Face or Head is not allowed during the Hajj and Umrah, even women do not cover their faces 
  • Shooting of animals even of scoundrels 
  • Sexual activity is not allowed or considered as Prohibitions of Ihram 

So, I hope you people will understand the Prohibitions of Ihram during the Umrah and Hajj. We must follow these Prohibitions of ihram that Allah accepts our Umrah and Hajj.