Wednesday, 10 January 2018

The Importance of Congregational Prayer

God specialized a great love to the prayer because it is the submission to the Allah Almighty and offering of Prayer in the Congregation has many benefits and great love. Allah loves more a person who offers the congregation prayer rather the alone prayer. Allah Almighty and the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) put a great stress on congregation prayer. The love of a prayer increase with respect to Allah when a person offers the Congregation prayer. 

As Allah says in Quran as follow, 
 “Bow down with those who bow-down.”     

On the other place, Allah says to follow,

“I have not created Jinn and men but for the Purpose of worshipping me. I seek not any provision for them nor do I ask that they should feed me.

Allah raised its reward which is described by the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) in detail. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) put a great stress on the congregation prayer. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said many times to establish regular and advised his followers to perform the Congregation prayer some of those Hadiths are as follow,

“It is better to join another person and prayer than to pray alone and it is more superior to pray in congregation it is more liked By Allah.” 

On the other place, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said,

The person who's footing gets dirty while going to the mosque to offer the congregation prayer. He is saved from the fire of Hell.”  

On the other place, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) says as follow,

“Praying behind a scholar is better than 1000 prayers alone.” 

It has been reported that the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said ones as follow,

“If I will let you the reward of Praying in the first row of a congregation prayer. Then you will kill each other to get into the first Row.”

Ones the Holy Prophet (P.BU.H) said about the reward of Congregation prayer as follow,

“If there are almost more than 10 people exceed in the congregation prayer then its reward is only known by Allah Almighty.”

As we can see the importance and the reward of congregation prayer. We must establish a regular congregation and the congregation prayer in the house of Allah is better than congregation prayers at the other places. 

As the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said,

“Offering 2 Rakat Namaz in the Riyaad-Ul-Jannah is better than the 1000 prayer at the different places of the world.”  

As we can see its reward and if you get enable to offer the Congregation prayer in the Riyaad-Ul-Jinnah then you got so much reward out of your imagination. So we must go for Hajj and Umrah, Now visa for Umrah only is also available which enable you to get blessed by the rewards of its aspect and get forgiveness of our sins and so that we may get succeed in the world and hereafter.   

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